* Get access token from exchange using AJAX call.
* Q library is used here for better handling of Async calls
function getAccessTokenFromExchange() {
return Q($.ajax({
type: 'get',
cache: false,
headers: {
* Code to search for RAML APIs from exchange based on the search criteria
* Q library is used here for better handling of Async calls
function getExchangeAPIs(searchTerm) {
// Utility function from IZ to display loading icon
return getAccessTokenFromExchange()
// Access token to access Anypoint APIs
var accessToken = 'bearer ' + accessTokenResponse.accessToken;
* Invoke Anypoint API to get the list of RAML APIs based on seach criteria
var exchangeRequest = {
"query": "{ assets(query: {searchTerm: \""+searchTerm+"\", type: \"rest-api\"},latestVersionsOnly: true) { groupId, version, name, assetId, createdBy { firstName, lastName },updatedAt,files { classifier, packaging,externalLink },tags {value},organizationId } }",
"variables": {
"accessToken": accessTokenResponse.accessToken
* Invoke Anypoint API to get the list of RAML APIs based on seach criteria
return Q($.ajax({
type: 'post',
contentType: "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify(exchangeRequest)
.then(function(apisList) {
* Parse the received assets details and populate the html table
* Sample Response Structure
* "data": {
* "assets": [
* {
* "organizationId": "52fe2647-1153-46b7-8725-33430cd480ba",
* "groupId": "52fe2647-1153-46b7-8725-33430cd480ba",
* "assetId": "iz-starter-kit",
* "version": "1.0.0",
* "createdBy": {
* "firstName": "Msch022019",
* "lastName": "Msch022019"
* },
* "files": [
* {
* "classifier": "raml",
* "packaging": "zip",
* "externalLink": "..."
* },
* {
* "classifier": "fat-raml",
* "packaging": "zip",
* "externalLink": "..."
* }
* ],
* "type": "rest-api"
* },
* {
* ...
* }
* ]
* }
var assetHtml = '';
$.each(apisList.data.assets, function(index, asset) {
* Get the asset download link for type fat-raml
* */
var assetUrl = $.grep(asset.files, function (e) {
return e.classifier == 'fat-raml';
assetHtml += '<tr>' +
'<td> <input type="radio" name="http_requester_selected_api" asset-name="'+asset.name+'" value="'+assetUrl.externalLink+'" '+(index === 0 ? 'checked': '')+'> '+asset.name+'</td>' +
'<td>'+asset.createdBy.firstName+'</td>' +
'<td>'+asset.version+'</td>' +
.catch(function (error) {
return Util.loadEndWithError('Error fetching RAML APIs', error);
.done(function() {
// Utility function from IZ to stop displaying loading icon
* Listener for API search button
$(document).on("click","#http_requester_search_raml_apis",function() {
// Retrieve the enterd search criteria and get the RAML APIs
* Listener listening on final submit click
$(document).on("click",".select_{{nodeId}}",function() {
var componentId = "{{nodeId}}";
var selectedAsset = $('input[name="http_requester_selected_api"]:checked').val();
var assetName = $('input[name="http_requester_selected_api"]:checked').attr('asset-name');
assetName = assetName.trim().replace(new RegExp(' ', 'g'), '_').toLowerCase();
// Utility function from IZ to download binary file
// We are downloading the raml api zip file here to find out the root raml name, which in turn will be used in HTTP connector
.then(function (zipFile) {
return JSZip.loadAsync(zipFile);
.then(function(ramlContents) {
return ramlContents.file("exchange.json").async("string");
.then(function(exchangeJson) {
exchangeJson = JSON.parse(exchangeJson);
FlowEditor.componentEditDetails[componentId] = {
rootRaml: exchangeJson.main,
assetUrl: selectedAsset,
apiName: assetName
return '';
.catch(function (error) {
return Util.loadEndWithError('Error fetching root RAML name', error);
.done(function() {
// Utility function from IZ to stop displaying loading icon